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New Jersey's premier nutraceutical

Hemp Farm company


Welcome to Our Organic and All Natural Hemp Dispensary!

All GreenCELL™ Hemp products come from USDA registered farms with processing and manufacturing in compliance with state health and agricultural departments. Full Certificate of Analysis (COA)
and FDA disclaimers are available to all customers. 


Our Services


Family Farming

We support a future of smart healthy locally sourced agriculture for and by families.


Jobs and Education

Farming and Gardening in Urban populated areas such as New Jersey are vital for jobs education and health.


Deliver Seed to Sale

Quality Agriculture begins with understanding and delivering to customers complete transparency from Seed To Sale. 


Sustainable Food

It is critically important for people to be able to feed themselves and care for the environment through indoor urban farming.

Our Products

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The cannabis industry, through the more recent discovery of an "Endo-Cannabinoid System," put our focus on those most in need of help. Cannabinoids such as Cannabidiol (CBD) found highly prevalent in Hemp have shown to assist those that depend on synthetic, addictive and sometimes unnatural or toxic medicine.


Global research continues to show, that very serious ailments from Cancer to Diabetes,Arthritis, Weight management, Addiction and severe Stress can all be treated to some degree with Hemp derived CBD, issues that affect all life and 300+ million Americans. 


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